Dr. Kai-Philipp Kairies working in a meetingDr. Kai-Philipp Kairies working in a meeting

This paper will explain:

Changes in battery capacity directly influence their economic benefits, which is why understanding these changes is so important. One factor that affects capacity, especially early in a battery’s life, is the anode overhang effect. Considering this effect in State of Health (SOH) estimations ensures accurate estimation and prognosis of the SOH, as well as effective management strategies. 

Especially for battery energy storage systems (BESS), knowledge of the available capacity is key for optimal market performance. This article explains the anode overhang effect, its influence of the available capacity and how to manage it in the State of Health estimations.

What is the anode overhang effect?

The anode overhang effect refers to the intentional design choice where the anode extends beyond the edges of the cathode in a battery cell thus creating an overhang.This is done to mitigate the risks associated with a cathode overhang, which can lead to increased dendrite growth, accelerated aging, and potential safety concerns.

Two of the most important components of each battery cell are the two electrodes: the anode and the cathode. These thin layers are positioned on top of each other with a separator in between. Since tolerances need to be considered in every production, these layers aren’t perfectly aligned, raising the question of whether a slightly overhanging electrode (anode or cathode) can cause issues. It turns out, the answer is yes; an overhanging cathode can indeed cause trouble. 

Viewed locally at the edges, the cathode being larger than the anode increases the risk of dendrite growth, which accelerates aging and can become a safety concern. To avoid a cathode overhang, it is common practice to allow for anode overhang instead. 

Figure 1 shows a schematic view of the battery’s layers and overhang. The part of the anode opposite the cathode that participates in the charging/discharging reactions is called the “active surface area.” The overhanging surface area of the anode does not have an opposing cathode area and, hence, does not directly participate in the charging and discharging reactions.

Illustration of a battery cell with anode overhang
Figure 1: Schematic view of a battery cell with anode overhang

The overhanging anode solves any issues related to overhanging cathodes but introduces its own challenge: the anode overhang effect. Figure 2 illustrates a common scenario at the beginning of a battery cell’s life, assuming the battery was stored at a 50% state of charge (SoC) for a long time before use. 

Illustration of anode overhang in batteries
Figure 2: Capacity changes due to the anode overhang effect

If the battery is kept long enough under these conditions, the lithium concentration in the anode evens out (homogenizes) across its entire surface area. If the battery is then operated around 20% SOC, previously inactive lithium from the anode overhang moves into the active area, temporarily increasing capacity. Conversely, if the battery is operated at 80% SoC, lithium moves from the active area to the inactive area of the overhang, temporarily decreasing capacity. All in all, the homogeneity of lithium distribution (HLD) on the anode significantly impacts usable capacity. 

The anode overhang effect isn’t just a concern at the beginning of the operation. If the operating window changes significantly, this effect fluctuates.  For example, batteries connected to photovoltaic systems have low average SoC in winter and high average SoC in summer. This causes capacity gains in winter and reversible losses in summer.

How To Manage the Anode Overhang Effect

Dealing with the anode overhang effect requires understanding its impact on the State of Health and available capacity of a battery. While there’s no direct solution to eliminate this effect, it is essential to acknowledge its presence and account for its influence. 

Current Battery Management Systems (BMS) can’t account for the impact of the anode overhang effect in SOH estimations due to limitations in data storage and modeling long-term effects. Incorporating this effect into SOH assessments ensures more accurate estimations and predictions.  Knowing the available capacity is fundamental.

Figure 3 depicts the SOH of a BESS overt time, where the sharp initial capacity loss was due to the anode overhang effect. To accurately estimate the BESS’s lifetime, the capacity loss caused by this effect must be deducted from the observed aging. 

Ein Bild, das Text, ScreeBattery state of health (SOH) of a battery energy storage system over timenshot, Diagramm, Reihe enthält.Automatisch generierte Beschreibung
Figure 3: The State of Health (SOH) of a battery over time.

Learn more: Ultimate Guide to Battery Aging and How to Prevent It


The anode overhang effect of batteries impacts the available capacity of batteries, directly affecting their economic benefits. Therefore, understanding of the effect is necessary for accurate SOH calculations. By considering the anode overhang effect, we can ensure precise evaluations, predictions, and effective management strategies, reducing uncertainties in the process.

About ACCURE Battery Intelligence

ACCURE helps companies reduce risk, improve performance, and maximize the business value of battery energy storage. Our predictive analytics solution simplifies the complexity of battery data to make batteries safer, more reliable, and more sustainable. By combining cutting-edge artificial intelligence with deep expert knowledge of batteries, we bring a new level of clarity to energy storage.  Today, we support customers worldwide, helping optimize the performance and safety of their battery systems. Visit us at accure.net.

Dr. Georg
CTO and Co-founder of ACCURE
About the author

Dr. Georg


Dr. Georg Angenendt is a scientist and entrepreneur with expertise in mobility and utility-scale battery energy storage systems (BESS). His research on testing, modeling, commissioning, and optimization of battery storage systems has been published in international journals and at conferences. Since 2020, he is the Chief Technology Officer at ACCURE Battery Intelligence, developing advanced analytics software to help companies assess battery risk, ensure safety, and maximize asset value. His personal passion is Martial Arts: mixed martial arts, luta livre, grappling, boxing and Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

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